Name:  Cindy Joyce

Your position at Agili:  Chief Operating Officer

Educational background:  BS Accounting from the University of Denver, MBA from Drexel University

Describe your family.  I have been married to Michael Joyce for 26 years (yes, the same Michael Joyce who is the founder of JoycePayne Partners).  I have three fabulous sons,: Timothy, age 21, who is a rising senior at Washington and Lee University, Cullen, age 19, who a rising sophomore at Washington College, and Kyle, age 12 who is a rising 7th grader at St. Bridget School.

What motivates you?  My faith and my family.

What are your hobbies/charities/sports (active or fan)?  I love to run and read.  I support many charities, particularly my sons’ schools and Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now).  I am an avid football fan.  My favorite teams are the Denver Broncos, the Penn State Nittany Lions and the Washington and Lee Generals (where my son Tim, #92, plays defensive end.)  I also enjoy watching college lacrosse.

What is your favorite childhood memory?  I spent many summers of my childhood in Northern Michigan at my grandparents surrounded by cousins and aunts & uncles.   I remember always laughing and being outdoors.

What was your favorite vacation or what is your favorite vacation spot?  I love to travel.  So far, I love to travel in Ireland and enjoy the Costa Rican Pacific coast.

Are you a cat or dog person?  Definitely a dog person.

What is your most memorable or favorite book?  I read a lot and I read a variety of books.  I hate to pick favorites!

What is your most memorable or favorite movie?  I LOVE Pretty Woman and watch all or part of it whenever I see it is on.  I probably could recite most of the script.

What is your favorite food or type of food?  Mexican food, particularly anything with Green Chili.  My absolute favorite is a breakfast burrito from Benny’s in Denver, CO.