Written by: Nigel Williams


You have to believe in your process. You have to believe in the things that you are doing to help the team win.”

– Tom Brady


The Agili Team

The Agili Team

The beginning of February marks the end of another football season. Love him or hate him, Tom Brady has proven to be an unmatched success in his profession, after winning his sixth Super Bowl in his NFL career. A winning culture and a consistent presence at the highest level of football requires a team driven to reach the same common goal. No matter the adversity a team is dealt, they must buy into a process established to help them reach their common goal.

I often allude to sports, especially football, because I had the opportunity to play for some of the best and worst teams, from little league to the pros. Making the transition from throwing on a pair of shoulder pads every day to wearing a button-up shirt wasn’t as monumental of a shift as I had expected. Of course, I did not have to worry about getting hit or checking for bruises at the end of the day, but I was joining a new, different team on a bigger playing field. One major aspect was common though – I’d be working with a team that has a combined effect greater than the sum of its individuals, making for an enjoyable group to work with.

The team at Agili is dedicated to a shared purpose and common goal. In order to provide the best for each of our clients, we all embrace a process driven to delight our clients through their experience with our team members. One concrete way we do that is by utilizing a powerful client relationship management system that enables us to all to play from the same playbook, keeping our fellow teammates aware of what we have done and will do on your behalf.

Agili team members take pride in our commitment to serve as our clients’ Personal CFO by working in their best interest and helping them focus on the bigger picture, while eliminating the stress of the details along the way. From a big picture perspective, each client’s team huddles together several times a year to ensure that we are taking into consideration life developments and transitions as we analyze investment portfolios.  In terms of the details, we have implemented systems like DocuSign, a secure electronic signature application that allows clients to sign documents without needing to print or scan them – small annoyances that we aim to eliminate from our relationships with clients.

As a team, we consistently strive to find new strategies to fulfill our clients’ needs. I have thoroughly enjoyed my role in working with this team and interacting with the clients we have the opportunity to serve.  Here’s more about the Agili team!

To read more about that other winning team, the Patriots, learn how Tom Brady and Bill Belichick get ahead in business and life.