First of all, thank you to all of our clients who participated in our annual JoycePayne Partners Client Satisfaction Survey!  We had stronger participation than ever this year, which is great for us because we use the survey to learn our strengths and opportunities for improvement directly from the point of view of the client. 

It is invaluable to us to have this data and learn what we can do to improve the client experience.  We conduct the survey every December and frequently ask the exact same questions.  We do this so that we can measure our improvement and constantly have our finger on the pulse of our clients’ satisfaction.  By the way, our company-wide goal is to receive ratings no lower than 4.5 (on a 5-point scale) on all areas of the survey.  And we’re getting close!

So, what did we learn this year?

Our clients are very satisfied with the performance of their financial team.  This is one of our core survey questions, and we’re just below our goal at 4.37.  So look for us to step up our game this year!

Specifically, our clients strongly believe our financial strategists are committed to helping them succeed in reaching their financial goals, and the strategists do a good job following through on recommendations that have been made in meetings.  This is a very positive point, though not unexpected since this is our core business.

When asked what other services clients would like us to provide, many of them suggested things we already do!  So we’re aiming to do a much better job in 2015 of informing our clients of the depth of our services.  Also, if there is ever anything you would like us to handle, just ask!  It’s that easy.

We strive to delight our clients through their experience with their financial strategists and also their experience with our client services team.  We are working on operational efficiencies this year so that our firm as a whole performs just as well as our financial teams do for our clients.

Clients most value our personalized approach.  Don’t worry…that’s not changing one bit!  While not standard in the industry, here at JPP we feel very strongly that each of our clients have individualized needs.  We will continue to be flexible and attentive to each client’s specific situation.

Our clients view us as being a very responsive firm.  We are happy with these results, as this continues an uptrend that began last year, improving from 4.36 in 2013 to 4.53 in 2014.  We will continue to wow you with our responsiveness.

Communication is important to our clients.  They would like to hear more from us, in meetings and out of meetings, about the markets, investment strategies and portfolio performance.  They would also like some education, beginner and advanced, on these same topics.  So you can expect us to be more proactive in delivering market information to you.

The survey also indicates that clients in general don’t know that we regularly share our market views on YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter.  Check us out on any of those social media outlets, which can be found using the icons at the top of our website.

Our clients are very likely to recommend our services to friends, colleagues and family members.  That’s great news to us, because we love getting to know new clients and helping them reach their financial goals.  So thank you for recommending us to your friends!

Thanks again for participating.  If you have any questions about the topics discussed here, please feel free to contact Amber Ott or any member of your team.