Name: Marilee Falco

Your position at Agili:  Principal and Financial Strategist

Educational background:  I received my Associates Degree in Accounting from Northampton Community College and my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Muhlenberg College.

Describe your family: I have been married to Louie for 30 years and we have 3 children.  Joey and his wife Leigh live in California, Jason just bought a house in Bethlehem, PA, and Chelsey lives in Boston.

What motivates you? I am motivated by my family.  I have always worked hard to provide a good home and a good education for my children.  Now that they have grown, I guess I am motivated to continue to work hard so that my husband and I will be financially prepared for retirement!

What are your hobbies/charities/sports (active or fan)? My hobbies are reading, hiking and biking, and traveling.

What is your favorite childhood memory? I have many wonderful childhood memories.  I grew up in a quiet little neighborhood in Allentown called Midway Manor.  Back then we walked to school, we walked home for lunch, and we could ride our bikes all over the neighborhood. 

What was your favorite vacation or what is your favorite vacation spot? My favorite vacation spot is anywhere with a beach!  Now that our children are grown, my husband and I have started to do more international travel.  We absolutely loved Italy.  We also travel frequently to California and Boston to visit our children.

Are you a cat or dog person? I am definitely a dog person.  Jack can attest to that.  One of the first client meetings I attended with Jack was at a client’s home.  She had a cat, and the cat surprised me and made me scream. I think Jack thought I was crazy.  I have a West Highland Terrier named Zoe, she is 13 years old and the best dog ever!

What is your most memorable or favorite book? I love to read, I have read so many books that it is hard to pick a favorite.  Recently I have been reading books by Jojo Moyes.  I have loved all of her books.  One of my favorite classics and most memorable books is “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

What is your most memorable or favorite movie? One of my favorite movies is “When Harry Met Sally.”  I also love “GoodFellas”!

What is your favorite food or type of food? I try to eat healthy, so most of my meals are pretty boring, but Pizza is definitely one of my favorite foods.

Anything else so interesting you can’t hold back? So my last name is Falco and everyone thinks I’m Italian, but I’m not.  My maiden name is Smith, and my family ancestry dates back to the 1600’s in America.  My ancestors from Holland settled in what is now Manhattan, and one of my ancestors, James Marshall, discovered gold in California in 1848 and started the Gold Rush.