Name:  John Paul Curtin

Your position at Agili: Portfolio/Investment Administrator

Educational background:  I attended James Madison University where I received a BBA in Finance.

Describe your family. My father is one of eleven and my mother is one of five, so I have a very large extended family. Personally I am one of six so there was never a dull moment growing up.

What are your hobbies/charities/sports (active or fan)? Most of my free time is spent either fishing or watching/playing sports with friends. Football is my favorite sport and I am a die-hard Miami Dolphins and Notre Dame fan.

What was your favorite vacation or what is your favorite vacation spot? When I was little my family would drive up to Vermont every summer and rent a house on Lake Champlain.

Are you a cat or dog person? Definitely a dog person.

What is your most memorable or favorite book? Really anything written by John Grisham.

What is your most memorable or favorite movie? It’s tough to narrow it down to one; my top two are Friday Night Lights and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

What is your favorite food or type of food? If it was up to me I would grill out for every meal. My favorites include ribs, barbecue and steak.