Name:  Debra (Debbie) Paul 

Your position at Agili:  Client Service Associate

Educational background:  Graduated from Easton Area High School, Easton PA, member of the National Honor Society.

Describe your family:  My husband Jeff and I have been together for nearly 19 years and married almost 14 of those 19 years.  We were married on September 1st, 2000.  Jeff has 2 boys from his first marriage, John (27) and Alex (25).  Jeff adopted my daughter after we married.  Our daughter, Megan is 23.  She graduated from the California University of Pennsylvania in May 2013 with a graphic design degree.  She was married in October 2013.  Jeff and I live in Palmer, PA.  Jeff’s son John lives in Bethlehem with his family and our 3 grandchildren; Juliana (8), Kadence (4) & Jacob (3).  Alex lives in Palmer with his mother.  And Megan lives in Nazareth with her husband Justin.  We enjoy getting together when we can as a family.  Christmas and Birthday celebrations are very exciting when we all get together.

What motivates you?  Feeling good about what I’m doing.  Whether at home or at work, I like to know that what I’m doing counts for something.  Being appreciated for what I do.

What are your hobbies/charities/sports (active or fan)?  I love to travel with my husband/family, read (mostly fiction), watch movies, walk and watch Notre Dame football games in the fall.

What is your favorite childhood memory?  The year we received over a foot of snow on Christmas Eve (1966, I was 6).  Getting up to open presents that Christmas morning and seeing all the snow.  My Dad & Mom bundled all of us up (my 2 brothers and me) and pulled us on a sled over to my grandparent’s house (they lived a few blocks from us) for Christmas dinner.

What was your favorite vacation or what is your favorite vacation spot?  My husband and I love cruising with Royal Caribbean.  We’ve been to many islands in the Eastern/Western/Southern Caribbean.  We’ve also been to Eastern Canada, Maine and the Northeast via Royal Caribbean cruises.  My favorite cruise so far was in October 2012 when we left from Penn Station in NYC via train to go up to Montreal, we stayed in Montreal overnight then took the train to Quebec to board the ship there.  The cruise had stops in Canada and Maine then brought us back to NJ.  It was an awesome cruise because we got to see so much of the countryside traveling via train.  And we went on this vacation with friends which made for a really memorable time.  The only downside of this cruise was that Super Storm Sandy hit the Northeast right in the middle of our cruise which caused us to miss one of our stops as well as some concern as to what we would find when we finally pulled into the port at Cape Liberty, NJ.  Thankfully we had no real damage from the storm.  According to family members and friends, the electricity in the area had been out any where from 24 hours to a week.  According to our neighbors, our electricity had only been out for 48 hours and by the time we arrived home, everyone had their electricity back on.

Are you a cat or dog person?  Neither, I don’t have any animals.

What is your most memorable or favorite book? The Harry Potter series (I’ve read them all a couple of times).

What is your most memorable or favorite movie? The Harry Potter series (I watch the movies whenever they are on).

What is your favorite food or type of food?  Italian