Name:  Cindy Ortiz

Your position at JoycePayne Partners:  Office Manager, Mike’s assistant

Educational background:  Some college and lots of on the job training

Describe your family. Married to Fred Ortiz for 25 years this June.  We moved from Texas to VA in 1997 when Fred took a new job and our then 2 kids, Erin and Nic, were 9 and 3. Now, Erin is has an MBA from Gallaudet in Social work, and she works for Henrico County Public Schools. She has aspirations to get her PhD and teach in college.  Nic is graduating in May 2016 from Virginia Military Institute.  He will commission in the Army as a 2nd LT, get married in June and head to Fort Rucker in Alabama for flight school.  We also have identical twins boys who are in 10th grade and play football and basketball at Benedictine College Prep.  My mom is half Guamanian and half Japanese.  Dad married her while in the navy stationed in Guam.  Most people think I’m Hispanic.  Marrying one didn’t help that. 

What motivates you?  My family, especially the kids

What are your hobbies/charities/sports (active or fan)?  I love genealogy and hearing old family stories;  I do love to scrapbook but don’t get to very often;  My family loves sports, especially football;  I definitely prefer college sports over professional;  My family and I are very involved in our church and giving back to the community through various ways like: Caritas, YMCA’s Bright Beginnings, Upwards Challenger Sports.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Spending time at my paternal grandparents’ house for what seems like just about every Sunday and playing poker.  To this day, it’s a family tradition!

What was your favorite vacation or what is your favorite vacation spot? Always love going home to the Lone Star State to visit family, but Hilton Head is a favorite spot for us

Are you a cat or dog person? Definitely dog

What is your most memorable or favorite book?  “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers

What is your most memorable or favorite movie?  I’ve always loved “Gone with the Wind,” and can remember seeing “Grease” for the first time at the drive in.

What is your favorite food or type of food?  Mom’s home cooking since I don’t get it very often, but Mexican (home cooked or back in Texas)  is a close 2nd.

Anything else so interesting you can’t hold back?  If you count delivering 6 pound identical twins naturally and during a snow storm but made it to the hospital interesting, then that’s one.  Another is my husband has been in a movie, calls the lottery numbers at channel 6, and shows up just about anywhere because of his stock photography model shoots.