Michael Joyce, Agili President, discusses the value of knowing your net worth

Michael Joyce, Agili President

Agili President, Michael Joyce, recently sat down with NBC12 Reporter, Rachel DePompa. In this story, It’s Time to Review Your Insurance, Michael says it’s a good idea to ask your insurance company for a re-rate.


Lower Expenses with a Re-Rate

If you are a customer in good standing, with no recent claims, Michael Joyce suggests that one way to lower expenses is to contact your insurance company to ask for a re-rate. It doesn’t hurt to ask — and you may very well see a reduction in your premiums.

Of course, insurance companies won’t offer this to customers proactively. But, if asked, they may be willing to reduce premiums to keep you as a customer.


Review Insurance Policies Annually

Michael also reminds us that it’s a good idea to review insurance policies annually to make sure they cover what you need.